About Me

Origin Story

I love Video games. I grew up playing them and they have been at the root of some of the best moments Ive had in life and how i made most of my friends. Ive always played all kind of games but one game in particular had me so gripped that I played it for 49 hours, turned it off and started a new game later that week. That game was Lunar The Silver Star.  I beat it 3 times in the summer that I got it and wanted to know everything about how it was made. When I got back to school, I told all of my friends about it and they all seemed to think it was cool. But one kid that i hadn’t spoken to all summer seemed really excited about it and proceeded to tell me about Chrono Trigger. It was at that moment that i realized that Lunar was not the only game of its kind. It was part of an entire Genre of games called JRPGS

I am a professional fighter for the UFC but before that when I was trying to get my foot in the door of the big organization, I had a fight cancellation that was devastating to me. I had so many cancellations that year that it made me question the career that  I had chosen and crafted over a course of 10 years. During that time I started writing about my favorite games and talking to other people online and most of them were JRPG players.

I talked to lots of people from all over the world and we had so much in common because we love this Genre. I thought it was interesting that we like a lot of the same things and we spent most of our childhoods playing the same games. That was 3 years ago and now I want to reach a larger group of JRPG fans all in place. This blog site is made with that in mind. It’s a place where i can send my love for JRPGS, the people who make them and the people who play them, out into the world.

Building a Community

My Goal isnt just to ramble on about  JRPGs but to create a build a community of people  who loved 90’s JRPGs and look for that amazing experience in every game you get today.

So keep coming back and bring your Retro Game loving , video game collecting JRPG Enthusiast buddies with you.

What you'll find here

Genuine love for JRPGs seperated into

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